Helsinki Design School

Blogger Interview: Mia Salminen

Here is a lovely interview with Mis Salminen – writer of the blog ‘Tom Boy For Life’.

Please tell me a little bit about yourself.

I’m Mia and from Finland. I’m in my late 30’s and I’m an introvert so blogging is a way for me to express my thoughts. At the moment I’m studying photography in Helsinki Design School. Beside photography I like writing fan fiction, listening to music, cycling, following sport and watching movies.

What is your blog web address?

Where did you get the idea from for your blog?

There’s a lot of same kind of blogs so I wanted to have a blog about less serious things. I also wanted to have a place to write my thoughts and share them with bloggers alike

How do you keep motivated to write blog posts?

I actually stopped blogging a while since I had no motivation to write. But I started again when my mother died last year. Nothing to do with her death though. I just got a lot of time on my hands since I don’t have a job at the moment. I don’t write about personal things that much. What motivates me most are other bloggers and media in general.

How many hours do you spend blogging a week?

I haven’t paid attention to that. Maybe about 4 hours. Depends on the week.

What do you consider to be the most frustrating aspects of blogging?

Lack of feedback. Sometimes it feels like no one pays attention about what I write. It just feels useless wasting my time on writing. You never know if people really read the posts or just passing by through Reader.

Where do you see your blog in six months?

I don’t look that far a head. I hope to get more comments but that’s something I hoped for 6 months ago. Maybe my subjects just aren’t that interesting.

What is the best advice you can give to someone just about to start a blog?

Keep the posts as short as possible. Personally I don’t like reading long posts and I’m sure there’s others that doesn’t either.

Where has your blog taken you? Have you met any interesting people?

It hasn’t really taken me anywhere. I only write as a hobby anyway.

I haven’t met anyone personally. I follow people on social media but I’ve never met them. The same in blogging. There’s a lot of nice people out there but it’s kind of difficult to meet since they live in other countries.
